How Amanda Went From Prolapse​ To Deadlifting 265lbs

Amanda, a young mom of three young children and avid CrossFit athlete who enjoyed pushing her body beyond its limit found herself leaking when she returned to CrossFit postpartum. And on a whim, she made an appointment to get internally assessed by a pelvic floor physiotherapist.

Amanda’s pelvic floor was overactive and she had a pelvic organ prolapse of the bladder known as a cystocele. This was a massive blow emotionally.

Wanting to train hard but worried about how her pelvic floor was going to put a halt on her goals, Amanda found me through a friend.

Amanda had no idea deadlifting 300 pounds wasn’t ideal for a woman who’s 8 months pregnant. When she got clearance from her doctor to do what she has always done, she did just that. And when she got praised by her coach for not letting pregnancy get in the way of her training, she figured she was safe.

No one had educated Amanda on how pelvic health changes during pregnancy and how lifting heavy changes how the intraabdominal pressure (a fancy way of saying, air in your belly), is impacted when there is a baby growing inside.

Amanda wasn’t aware of how lifting heavy and barbell training can be risky can be to her body. But what Amanda did know, was her baby was safe and healthy.

How Amanda Regained Her Strength And Started Working Toward Lifting Heavy Once Again.

First, Amanda and I had to scale back on her heavy lifts. From there, I was able to coach her on how to integrate her pelvic floor into her lifts. Because Amanda’s pelvic floor was overactive ( in a constant state of contraction) and her prolapse was giving her symptoms (she describes her symptoms as marbles falling out), we had to start with a moderate weight until her pelvic floor was able to relax and contract.

Here is why Amanda, you, or any woman needs to overcome pelvic floor dysfunctions

You need to be comfortable with your body from the inside and bring awareness to your lady parts.

When you train your body from the inside, you become stronger, faster, and manage your symptoms at the same time.

We do this by teaching you how to contract and relax your vagina muscles and incorporate this into your lifts, runs, and any other athletic endeavor. After all, these muscles are no different than any other muscle in your body.

You learn to use your lady parts, you will improve your symptoms, improve your performance, and improve your self-confidence.

When you work with me online or in-person, you can expertly designed workouts to fit into your life and right for your body.

Amanda deadlifting 265 pounds without symptoms

“Terrell showed an interest and cared about my progress. She made modifications right away when needed. She helped me greatly and taught me so much about my pelvic floor during exercise that I had no knowledge about. I wish I had worked with her sooner after giving birth!”

Following Amanda successfully returning to lifting heavy objects, she became pregnant with baby number 4.  During her pregnancy, Amanda signed up for Strength And Lady Parts

As Amanda continued her work during pregnancy, she was able to use the tools learned with me in my Body Revitalization Program and Strength And Lady Parts, and recovered much better and faster than she did after her other pregnancies.

If lifting heavy objects so you can feel, look, and function at your best without feeling stuck in pelvic floor rehab is important to you, The Barbell Balance has your back.


The Simplified Way To Lifting Heavy Objects Without Being Stuck In Pelvic Floor Rehab


At The Barbell Balance, I help busy women like you lift heavy objects without feeling stuck in rehab land. In Amanda’s case, it came to being committed to executing the basics and designing a program so she could,

  •  Continue to lift heavy while learning how to manage her pelvic organ prolapse and peeing during workouts
  • Build strength on the inside and out
  • Become confident instructing her bootcamps and chasing her busy kiddos all day long.

Would you like the same? Head over to The Barbell Balance Body Revitalization Program and apply now.