Body Image And Fitness Expectations During Pregnancy

Body Image And Fitness Expectations During Pregnancy

  I have been running away from my body image issues for as long as I can remember.  Since I was a child, I felt fatter than the other girls in my class. In my 20’s, I was 40 pounds overweight and was incredibly embarrassed.  I went to extremes to lose excess...
Returning To Exercise Post C-Section Recovery.

Returning To Exercise Post C-Section Recovery.

Returning To Exercise Post C-Section Recovery. After having two vaginal deliveries, one in the hospital and one at home, a c-section seemed unlikely in my third pregnancy.   At 30 weeks, my son was breech. There was a very brief conversation with my midwife, but...

4 Fitness Mindset Strategies For The Mom Returning To Work

There comes a time in every mother’s life where her life is flip-turned upside down, to quote the Fresh Prince. Sure, transitioning to motherhood or introducing a new baby into the family can be a bit of an upthrow, but I’m talking about another massive transition...